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Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi has inspired countless people with his miracles and teachings. Through his teachings, he promoted peace, love, and unity, and touched the hearts of many with his compassionate nature. The miracles attributed to him are considered a testament to his holiness and divine powers. Thousands of devotees from different parts of the world visit Mahim Dargah to pay their respects and seek blessings.

The story of Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi and his miracles is a fascinating aspect of Islamic spirituality and provides a glimpse into the rich history of Sufism.

Miracle 1

The exhibition of the highly treasured Quran Shairef crafted by Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) is a sight to behold. Despite the passing of time, the ink remains vibrant and the pages are in pristine condition, making it a miraculous testimony to the skill and devotion of Makhdum Ali Mahimi. This remarkable Quran Shareif is displayed annually on the eve of the 29th of Ramzan, and is eagerly anticipated by those who seek to marvel at its beauty and spiritual significance.

Miracle 2

At the young age of 10 years, Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) had a strong bond with a pet she goat. One day, when he returned home and asked about the goat, the maid informed him that it had died and been thrown into the sea shore. Despite this news, Hazrat instructed the maid to accompany him to the spot where the goat was discarded. To everyone’s surprise, Makhdum Ali Mahimi returned home with the goat alive and well, all thanks to the blessings of Allah.

Miracle 3

The maid, who had been a witness to the goat miracle, came to understand the elevated status of Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.). She started drinking water from Makhdum Ali Mahimi and his mother’s washed clothes from then on. After praying at the mosque, Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) returned home and informed his mother that he had seen a saint at the mosque and asked her to send food for the saint before they ate. The housemaid was sent with the food, but when she arrived at the mosque, the saint was not there. She closed her eyes and saw the saint in the mosque in Makkah. Upon arriving there, she told the saint that her master had sent food for him, which was a testament to the high regard held for Makhdum Ali Mahimi.

Miracle 4

A Hindu businessman’s ship had once sailed from Mahim, loaded with valuable merchandise, but it never returned after seven years. He sought the advice of renowned astrologers and palmists, but they informed him that his ship had already sunk at sea. But then he met a Muslim friend who introduced him to Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.). He asked the businessman to sit down and close his eyes, then instructed him to return home, as his ship would be there by evening. To the businessman’s surprise, when he reached the shore, his ship was there, intact with all its goods and merchandise, even after seven years. The businessman was greatly influenced by Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.)’s faith and converted to Islam along with his entire family.

Miracle 5

A rare event took place on August 18th, 2006, where the sea water surrounding the chilla of Hazrat Khawaja Khizar Hayat-un-Nabi (Alais-Salaam), located next to the Mahim dargah where Makhdum Ali Mahimi was enlightened, became sweet. This phenomenon lasted for more than three days, attracting thousands of visitors from not just Mumbai but also various states of India such as Jaipur, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Calcutta. Many people who drank this water claimed it had the ability to cure illnesses and took it with them for future use. Authorities in Mumbai tested the water and found no pollution whatsoever. This miracle was repeated in 2008 and is seen as a blessing from the 13th-century Sufi saint, Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.).

Faith of Police in Hazrat Pir Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.)

  1. It is the belief of the Police department that the critical cases which remain unsolved are put before the Honorable court of Hazrat Pir Makhdum Fakih Ali
    Mahimi (R.A.) to get speedy solutions.
  2. The newly appointed incharge of the Mahim Police Station, first pays his respects to Hazrat Pir Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) and only then he occupies his chair.
  3. As a mark of respect a parade is organized by the Mahim Police every Thursday. Salami to Hazrat Pir Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.)

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