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The renowned religious leader, Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) (1372–1431 A.D.), lived during the era of the Tuglaq dynasty and Sultan Ahmed Shah of Gujarat. He tied the knot with the Sultan’s sister. He was given the prestigious title of “Qutb-E-Kokan” for his extended stay in the prominent Western Coast area of Konkan, specifically Mahim. He was an eminent scholar and Sufi. He kept pace with Shaikh Mohiuddin Arabi of Spain and his devotee, Abdul Kareem Aljili, who wrote “Insan-e-Kamil.”

His life was marked by miraculous and remarkable events. He is privileged to learn from Hazrat Khawaja Khizar Hayat-un-Nabi (Alais-salaam), who also taught Hazrat Moosa Alaihis-salaam. Hazrat Khawaja Khizar Hayat-un-Nabi (Alais-salaam), Chilla is registered under the Wakf board bearing no. MSBW 37/2007 Dated:16/4/2007

Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) is renowned across the globe for offering his unique interpretation of the Holy Quran, named “Tafsirur Rahman.” He likewise talked about the philosophy of time and space in one of his books. The shrine of Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi, Asthana has a fascinating history, drawing worshipers from diverse backgrounds to this sacred place.

Information on Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.)’s personal life is limited, but previous and current works in Persian, Urdu, and English assert that he was an expert in classic Islamic sciences like theology, law, philosophy, and mysticism. He is one of the first Islamic scholastics from India to have written a comment on the Quran in Arabic as well as expounding Shaykh ul-Akbar Ibn-e Arbai’s theory of Wahdat al-Wujud, or the Unity of Being. His daily activities are mostly unknown, although it is known that he regularly prayed the mandatory Namaz as well as devoted additional energy to performing supererogatory prayers, remembering Allah through dhikr. It is said that when he was deep in meditation, he was oblivious to his surroundings. At his seminary, he encouraged learners to focus on purifying their physical, mental and spiritual well being.

The renowned religious leader, Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) (1372–1431 A.D.), lived during the era of the Tuglaq dynasty and Sultan Ahmed Shah of Gujarat. He tied the knot with the Sultan’s sister. He was given the prestigious title of “Qutb-E-Kokan” for his extended stay in the prominent Western Coast area of Konkan, specifically Mahim. He was an eminent scholar and Sufi. He kept pace with Shaikh Mohiuddin Arabi of Spain and his devotee, Abdul Kareem Aljili, who wrote “Insan-e-Kamil.”

His life was marked by miraculous and remarkable events. He is privileged to learn from Hazrat Khawaja Khizar Hayat-un-Nabi (Alais-salaam), who also taught Hazrat Moosa Alaihis-salaam. Hazrat Khawaja Khizar Hayat-un-Nabi (Alais-salaam), Chilla is registered under the Wakf board bearing no. MSBW 37/2007 Dated:16/4/2007

Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) is renowned across the globe for offering his unique interpretation of the Holy Quran, named “Tafsirur Rahman.” He likewise talked about the philosophy of time and space in one of his books. The shrine of Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi, Asthana has a fascinating history, drawing worshipers from diverse backgrounds to this sacred place.

Information on Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.)’s personal life is limited, but previous and current works in Persian, Urdu, and English assert that he was an expert in classic Islamic sciences like theology, law, philosophy, and mysticism. He is one of the first Islamic scholastics from India to have written a comment on the Quran in Arabic as well as expounding Shaykh ul-Akbar Ibn-e Arbai’s theory of Wahdat al-Wujud, or the Unity of Being. His daily activities are mostly unknown, although it is known that he regularly prayed the mandatory Namaz as well as devoted additional energy to performing supererogatory prayers, remembering Allah through dhikr. It is said that when he was deep in meditation, he was oblivious to his surroundings. At his seminary, he encouraged learners to focus on purifying their physical, mental and spiritual well being.

The renowned Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) left behind an inheritance of religious and literary works. His breakthrough explication of the Quran, al-Tafsir ar-Rehmani, stands out above the rest. This book dives into the Quran’s scriptures, exploring the links between its different chapters in a straightforward manner. He brings to light both the mystical and non-mystical indispensables of the Quran and their connection with each other. Handwritten versions of this work exist, but printed versions are difficult to come by. His works were examined and discussed by mystics and researchers like Shah Wajihuddin Alawi, Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami, and Shah Waliuallah in India during subsequent periods. They cover subjects as wide as Mysticism, Predestination, and Tawhid, or Unity of ALLAH and Time and Space. They explain the elucidation of the Shariat and the Hadith heritages in the Light of Reason. In the Prologue to his Treatise entitled Al-Khusus Ila Mani an-Nusu on the work of Al-Wawnawi (d. 1274), believed to be Ibn-e-Arabi’s stepson, he explains mystical terms and doctrines in detail. He was engrossed by the works of Ibn-e-Arabi (d. 1240), resulting in his outstanding commentary on Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam, the Mashra al Khusus Fi Sharh-i-Fusus al Hikam. He wrote three commentaries on the Fusus and one on Shihabuddin Suhrawardi’s classical Sufi text “Awarif al-Ma’arif. With remarkable ease he quotes from famous Sufis and Philosophers like Razi, Suharawardi, Qushayri, Sullami, Makki, and Kalabadhi whilst discussing the Doctrines of Tawhid and Predestination.

The renowned Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) left behind an inheritance of religious and literary works. His breakthrough explication of the Quran, al-Tafsir ar-Rehmani, stands out above the rest. This book dives into the Quran’s scriptures, exploring the links between its different chapters in a straightforward manner. He brings to light both the mystical and non-mystical indispensables of the Quran and their connection with each other. Handwritten versions of this work exist, but printed versions are difficult to come by. His works were examined and discussed by mystics and researchers like Shah Wajihuddin Alawi, Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami, and Shah Waliuallah in India during subsequent periods. They cover subjects as wide as Mysticism, Predestination, and Tawhid, or Unity of ALLAH and Time and Space. They explain the elucidation of the Shariat and the Hadith heritages in the Light of Reason. In the Prologue to his Treatise entitled Al-Khusus Ila Mani an-Nusu on the work of Al-Wawnawi (d. 1274), believed to be Ibn-e-Arabi’s stepson, he explains mystical terms and doctrines in detail. He was engrossed by the works of Ibn-e-Arabi (d. 1240), resulting in his outstanding commentary on Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam, the Mashra al Khusus Fi Sharh-i-Fusus al Hikam. He wrote three commentaries on the Fusus and one on Shihabuddin Suhrawardi’s classical Sufi text “Awarif al-Ma’arif. With remarkable ease he quotes from famous Sufis and Philosophers like Razi, Suharawardi, Qushayri, Sullami, Makki, and Kalabadhi whilst discussing the Doctrines of Tawhid and Predestination.

Divine Books

Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) wrote many books in Arabic Language.

  • Ina’mul Malikul Ullam Jahkam Hukmul Ahkam
  • Adallat-ut-Tawheed
  • Ajallatu-d-Ta’id Fi Sharh Adallat-ut-Tawheed
  • An Nurul Azhar Fi Kashf-e-Sharh Qaza wa Qadar
  • Az Zawhul Azhar Fi Sharhal Nurul Azhar
  • Khususun Na’am Fi Sharh-e-Fususul Hukm
  • Al Rutbatul Rafiatu Fil Jam’a wat Taufeeq bainal Asraral Haqiqat wa Anwarush Sharia
  • Imhazul Nashihat
  • Ashra’al Khusus Fi Sha rhal Fusus.
  • Zawariful Lataif Fi Sharh-e-Awariful Ma’rif.
  • Azatud Daqaiq Sharh-e-M’ra tul’ Haqaiq.
  • Tarjuma wa Sharh-e-lama’t-e-Iraqi.
  • Mira’tul Haqaiq.
  • Isjila’al Basar Fil Radd Ala Istiqsa’an Nazar
  • Al Wajud Fi Sharh-e-Isma’al Ma’bud
  • Fiqah Makhdumi
  • Fatawa Makhdumiaya
  • Risala-e-Ajeeba.

Anyone who follows Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) is requested to donate written material like books or articles to the Trust Office.

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