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Educational Activities

From the Desk of Trustees

As the managing trustee of the Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust/WAKF, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the commendable work done by our organization. Established with the aim of serving the community and promoting social welfare, our trust has been actively involved in various charitable activities for several years. From providing healthcare and education to the underprivileged to facilitating relief and rehabilitation during times of crisis, our team of dedicated professionals and volunteers has been working tirelessly to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. We believe in the values of compassion, kindness, and empathy, and strive to embody these principles in all our endeavors.

The respectable “Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust/WAKF” provides multiple services for the betterment of education and health in Mahim, particularly, and Mumbai, generally. The oldest organization, the “Madrasa-e-Makhdumia” School (pre-primary and primary school) with Urdu as the medium, was instituted in 1911. Additionally, the trust helps the impoverished and underprivileged by providing educational assistance and other forms of aid. They established the Scholarship (Educational Aid) Scheme in 2002, which has been widely utilised by many deserving individuals.

In 2006, the trust initiated an excellent program and established the “Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi Memorial Oriental Research Institute and Library.” The mission of the institute is to contemplate research on the life and works of Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) and other contemporary saints and sufis. It also intends to encourage research into books on Sufism. The institute has a library with information on Islamic history, the Quran, Hadith, and other relevant topics for research. Thus far, the trust has published two books:

  • Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi Hayat-Aasar-Afkar
  • Teen Tehkiki Mukalmaat on Hazrat Mahimi and the third namely Ajallatu-d-Ta’id is ready for publication.

In 2013, under Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi Memorial Oriental Research Center and Library, Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust/WAQF decided to establish “Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi Chair” at the Mumbai University.

The Trust additionally began the Langar and Poverty Relief Fund for needy people. Medical aid is a requirement for a healthy society. Keeping this in mind, a medical center has been set up and named “Hazrat Shaikh Ahmed Medical Aid Centre ” after Hazrat Makhdum Fakih Ali Mahimi (R.A.) father. The trust also runs Makhdumiya Health and Fitness Center, which is totally modernized. Instability and disaster are now an inseparable part of our lives, so Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust/WAKF has launched an advanced cardiac ambulance called “Makhdum Shah Baba Cardiac Ambulance,” available 24 hours a day with a doctor on standby at an affordable cost.

Hazrat Bibi Fatima Computer Education and Training Institute, established in 2009, provides professional and career-oriented training to improve the education of youth. The Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust/ WAKF also provides educational and medical aid to the needy, scrutinizing applications to ensure only genuine applicants receive aid.

Our honest endeavors in the areas of education, health, research & computer science have enabled us to progress a better society and form connections between different groups of people.

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