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Educational Activities

Counter Terrorism

Around the world, acts of terrorism have become a major problem. Each time a terrorist attack occurs, it provides an opportunity for hate groups to propagate their agendas by linking them to religion. But does terrorism really have anything to do with religion?

In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in acts of terrorism around the world that often get labelled as religiously-motivated. Unfortunately, these labels are quickly accepted without further consideration and lead to rising tensions between different religions and cultures.

It is important for us to recognize and understand that although terrorism is sometimes linked to religious beliefs,it should not be seen as having any one single source of origin related wholly or partly with any specific faith. To truly combat the growing threat of terror organizations and understand their motivations requires us looking deeper than simply pointing out their purported religious ideological background.

Furthermore, it is important to remember that the vast majority of people who practice any given faith are peaceful and have no connection to terrorism. To label an entire religion as violent or extremist because of the actions of a few is both unfair and inaccurate.

Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust has taken a strong stance against terrorism, recognizing it as a threat to peace and harmony in the world. The Trustees have organized several events to promote peace and understanding between different religions, cultures, and communities. The Trust also works with local law enforcement agencies to ensure that any potential terrorist threats are identified and dealt with swiftly.

The Mahim Dargah Trust works to foster global unity by combating terrorism. Their mission is to build a brighter future for everyone, no matter their religion or culture. PMSCT has created a website, Twitter profile, Facebook page, and mobile app to fight against terrorism.

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