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Calamity Relief

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and forest fires create havoc in many parts of the world despite efforts taken to reduce their impact. Consequently, people lose their homes and livelihoods, often with little or no warning.

It is heartening to note that governments worldwide focus on providing adequate disaster relief for those who are affected by natural calamities. In addition to government organizations, there are many charitable and non-governmental organizations that make valuable contributions towards relief efforts during these difficult times. Today we will take a look at what kind of help is available for victims of disasters through both governmental and non-governmental channels, as well as ways you can help those in need during times of crisis.

The Mahim Dargah Trust has been actively involved in providing relief to victims of natural disasters. The trust has set up a special fund for this purpose and is working with local authorities to ensure that the funds are used efficiently and effectively. The Trust also works with other non-governmental organizations to provide food, shelter, medical aid, and other essential services to those affected by natural disasters.

Kashmir Flood Relief

Kashmir was devastated by the flood in September 2014, submerging residential houses, hospitals, schools, and commercial establishments. The Trustees appealed to friends and the public for donations for “Relief for Kashmir” to help the 1.5 million people displaced by the flood, which resulted in hundreds of deaths and hundreds missing.
The Trustees of Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust/ WAKF and Haji Ali Dargah Trust jointly donated Rs. 11,00,000/- to Rebuilding Kashmir relief work.

Fire Incident at Bandra Station 2011

On March 5, 2011, a disastrous fire broke out in Bandra Station. Seeing as the region was heavily populated with slums, many families suffered damage, and their homes were left destroyed. PMSCT responded to the calamity by providing financial aid of Rs. 2,50,000 to 280 affected households.

Relief for Uttarakhand Flood Incident 2013

The Uttarakhand floods and landslides in June 2013 were the country’s worst natural disaster, with 5,700 people presumed dead and 300,000 pilgrims and tourists trapped. PMSCT contributed Rs. 1,000,000/-. 

Relief for Bandra-Nargis Dutt Nagar 2018

On October 27th, 2018, a fire incident happened in the slum zone of Garibnagar area within Bandra East, named Bandra-Nargis Dutt Nagar, leaving some households destroyed. Although no fatalities were reported, nine people sustained injuries, and a part of the railroad bridge collapsed. The PMSCT provided aid amounting to Rs. 7,00,000/- to affected families and the allocation of more than 300 packages comprising food items, clothing, medicines, buckets, stoves, and so on.

Relief for Malegaon Fire Incidence 2018

On October 30th, 2018, an outbreak of fire occurred in the Malegaon slum zone, leading to numerous families being impacted and their homes being burnt. PMSCT granted support of Rs. 1,25,000 to one hundred and twenty-five aggrieved families affected by the fire.

Relief for Kolhapur Flood Incident 2019

Kolhapur (Maharashtra) experienced a tremendous flood in the initial week of August 2019, which had an adverse impact on numerous families. 100 affected households received food through PMSCT, including rice, dal, oil, sugar, and tea.

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